
Hebrews 3:4

"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Color Their World

You might remember we decided not to drywall Shimmer's and Shine's bedrooms, instead we had them paneled with primed, tongue-and-groove poplar (a little more vintage and a lot more durable). This weekend we broke open our interior paint choices and started with Shimmer's room, brushing it with Beach Plum by Benjamin Moore. Mommy's choice would have been a nice muted shade of green, but Shimmer had her heart set on "pinkish-purple". And, my original thought for Shine's room was a warm earthy tan, but his favorite color is green, so how could I give his sister green and not him??? In the end, I decided that they should be able to choose the color of their rooms, but Mommy did ultimately choose the exact shades. By Sunday afternoon, we had both rooms painted. Shine's was done in Fernwood Green also by Benjamin Moore. I think we made the perfect choices...

By the way, I'm all about sharing our color choices and other sources. I know when I see something I love on the web or in a magazine, I'm so appreciative when it's not a mystery or secret where I can find it. If you ever have a question, just ask... I'm flattered.

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