I could barely sleep last night (don't know if it was nerves or just excitement... but I felt like a kid again, the night before the first day of school). Up early to get ready and take Shimmer and Shine over to our land to see the first delivery from Connor Homes arrive. We weren't quite early enough though... the first truck was already there when we pulled in at 7:40am. Only a few stacks had been unloaded and we learned that another truck was a little more than an hour out and on its way also. Very happy to hear that we would still have a great photo op to mark the occasion.
Daddy didn't arrive until after the first truck left. Meanwhile, Shimmer and Shine and I took a walk out to the end of our road to wait for the next truck to come so we could snap the perfect picture of our new home on its way. We saw two squirrels and a rabbit; plus, the red-winged blackbirds on our walk. It took the truck a little longer than expected to arrive, so Daddy had to go back to work, but we thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful view from the spot we chose to wait. Shimmer and Shine found a ladybug that pre-occupied them for quite awhile, and we even had a young deer run right nearby! Sorry, I was so busy getting Shine's attention to see it that I didn't get a photo. It would have been amazing!
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